Hearing Loss in Children

Children of all ages can and should be evaluated for potential hearing problems. Each audiometric evaluation completed at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital is followed by family counseling with our team of SLUCare Physician Group and SSM Health audiologists. Our audiologists work closely with your child’s pediatrician through every step of the process. When the situation calls for it, we may refer you and your child for additional medical evaluations, professional assessments, and other treatment programs or schools.

Signs & Symptoms of Child Hearing Loss

If your child has experienced any of the following, you should schedule an evaluation with one of our audiologists.

  • Failed or missed the newborn hearing screen
  • Had an illness or condition requiring five days or more in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
  • Has a history of in utero infection, such as cytomegalovirus, herpes toxoplasmosis or rubella
  • Has frequent ear infections
  • Has a speech/language delay
  • Is not responding typically to speech or sounds in the environment
  • Has a family history of hearing loss
  • Has been treated with ototoxic medications
  • Failed a hearing screen at school or at the pediatrician’s office
  • Often says “what” or “huh”
  • Listens to the television or radio at a loud level
  • Complains of not being able to hear
  • Responds to questions inappropriately
  • Has any known disorder or syndrome associated with communication difficulties

Common Hearing Loss Diagnoses

If, after further testing, it has been determined that your child has a hearing problem, they may be diagnosed with:

  • Sensorineural hearing loss
  • Conductive hearing loss
  • Mixed hearing loss
  • Auditory neuropathy/dysynchrony
  • Atresia/microtia

After a hearing loss diagnosis, our pediatric audiologists will work with you and your child on the most effective management plan. This plan may include the use of hearing devices, cochlear implants, bone conduction devices, or assistive listening devices.

In some instances hearing loss is unavoidable, but parents can help maintain a child's hearing by regularly monitoring their use of headphones and the volume at which they listen to any audio source. Hearing protection such as earplugs or earmuffs should be worn in loud environments such as concerts, gun shooting, or when using power tools.

It's important to follow up with an audiologist if your child's school or pediatrician has noted any sort of hearing loss. Schedule an appointment today with our pediatric audiology team and help your child move towards sharper hearing.

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